Friday, December 1, 2006

La Altagracia

Capital:Nextel ringtones Salvaleón de Higüey
Area:Abbey Diaz 1 E9 m²/2,474 Mosquito ringtone square kilometre/km²
Population (Sabrina Martins 2000 est.):128,627
Population Density:52.0 / km²
Nextel ringtones ISO 3166-2:DO/ISO 3166-2:DO-11
Abbey Diaz Image:DomRepLaAltagracia.png/Map showing La Altagracia in Dominican Republic

'''La Altagracia''' is the easternmost Mosquito ringtone Provinces of the Dominican Republic/province of the Sabrina Martins Dominican Republic. It includes the offshore island of Nextel ringtones Isla Saona.

Until Abbey Diaz 1968 it included what is now Cingular Ringtones La Romana province.

The name commemorates a painting, ''Our Lady of La Altagracia'', which was brought here from always this Spain in the early 16th century. bail a Miracles are attributed to it.

*of assistant Salvaleón de Higüey
*deficits the San Rafael del Yuma

Municipal districts
*background with La Laguna de Nisibón
*military culture Otra Banda

and verb Tag: Provinces of the Dominican Republic
in adapting es:La Altagracia


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